23 Feb. 2007

10:00 - 16:00

Venue: Royal College of Physicians Edinburgh


  • "Orchestral manoeuvres in the dark - lessons learned from a managed clinical network for Personality Disorder"                                                                                                           (Tom Mullen, Clinical Service Manager, Mental Health Team, Leeds)
  • "Moray BPD Support: a collaboration between service users and professionals"                 (Jo Mullen, Co-ordinator of Moray BPD Support/Service User, Mrs Lisa Edwards, Community Psychiatric Nurse & Mrs Dee Sutherland, Service User)
  • "The Consequences of Trauma in Early Life For Adult Mental Health"                         (Alison Lowit, Researcher, Royal Cornhill Hospital, Aberdeen)
  • "Case note examination on population survey for Dumfries & Galloway"                           (Dr Gavin Talbot-Smith, Research Assistant, Dumfriesshire)


  • "Effectiveness of Personality Disorder Training: lessons learnt and the way forward?"     (John Gaddes, Adult Psychotherapist, Elgin)
  • "Assessing Personality Disordered Offenders - a case study"                                                 (Dr Rajan Darjee, Consultant Forensic Psychiatrist, Edinburgh)
  • "Integrated Care Pathway for Borderline Personality Disorder - an update"                     (Rosie Cameron, National ICP Co-ordinator, NHS Quality Improvement Scotland)
  • "Personality Disorder and early sexual trauma: relevance of the National Strategy?"           (Dr Sarah Nelson, Lead Professional, National Strategy for Adult Survivors of Childhood Sexual   Abuse)
  • "Service User Involvement in the Pathway to Recovery"                                                     (James Theo, Borderline UK and Naoemi Salisbury, Borderline UK)

25 May 2007

10:00 - 16:00

Venue: Aberdeen Exhibition and Conference Centre


  • "Opening Presentation"                                                                                                            (Alex McMahon, Head of Health Delivery & Services Unit Interim Mental Health Nursing Advisor, Mental Health Division)
  • "The National PD Programme in England - Realities, tensions, successes and outstanding questions"                                                                                                                                    (Dr Nick Benefield, National Petrsonality Disorder Team, London)
  • "Integrative model within the Therapeutic Community Framework"                                (Dr Lisle Scott, Pschyatrist at the Oxfordshire Complex Needs Service and Gill Attwood, Deputy Team Leader for Oxfordshire Complex Needs Service)
  • "Navigating Uncharted Waters: Establishing a personality disorder service for the homeless population in Glasgow in patnership with social work and the voluntary sector"                (Dr Andrea Williams, Consultant Psychiatrist in Psychotherapy and Ms Sue Wallace, Adult Psychotherapist and Group Analyst)


  • "A Psychodramatic approach to supervision of complex cases."                                           (Mike Forrester, Nurse Theapist, Therapeutic Community, Aberdeen)
  • "Integrated Care Pathway for Borderline Personality Disorder - an Update"                     (Rosie Cameron, National ICP Co-ordinator, NHS Quality Improvement Scotland)
  • "Practical ways of working with someone with Personality Disorded"                               (John Gaddes, Consultant Adult Psychotherapist, Elgin)
  • "Devising Information Leaflets on Personality Disorder - Interactive Workshop"                 (Dr Linda Treliving, Consultant Psychiatrist, Royal Cornhill Hospital, Aberdeen and Jo Mullen,       Co-ordinator of Moray BPD Support/Service User)
  • "Presentation and discussion of Royal Cornhill Hospital research and general principles of research"                                                                                                                               (Professor Ian Reid, University of Aberdeen and Mrs Alison Lowit, Researcher, Royal Cornhill           Hospital, Aberdeen)

21 Sept. 2007

10:00 - 16:00

Venue: Scottish Exhibition & Conference Centre Glasgow


  • "Whose Personality? Emotional Development and Personality Disorder"                         (Rex Haigh, Consultant Psychiatrist, Clinical advisor to the National PD Development Programme and training lead for the new National Personality Disorder Institute at Nottingham University)
  • "Promoting and supporting recovery in Scotland"                                                         (Simon Bradstreet, Network Director, Scottish Recovery Network, Glasgow)
  • "Mr G - misdiagnosis and mismangement of personality disorder"                               (Donald Lyons, Director Mental Welfare Commission for Scotland, Margaret Anne Gilbert, Social Work Officer and Linda Graham, Part time Commissioner)
  • “Carers perspective”                                                                                                         (Dennis Lines, Borderline UK Carer Response Programme Lead)


  • "Structured admission to prevent crisis, chaotic admission in BPD"                                   (Ian Reid, Professor of Mental Health, Valsa Mannali, Adult Psychiatrist, New Craigs Hospital, Inverness and Emma Macrae, Staff Nurse, New Craigs Hospital, Inverness)
  • "The Therapeutic Community Experience"                                                                   (Garden Villa Therapeutic Community, Aberdeen)
  • “Introduction to practical ways of working with someone with Personality Disorder”   (John Gaddes, Adult Psychotherapist, Dr Gray's Hopsital, Elgin)
  • “Devising Information Leaflets on Personality Disorder”                                                    (Dr Linda Treliving, Consultant Psychiatrist in Psychotherapy, Aberdeen and Jo Mullen, Co-ordinator of Moray BPD Support/Service User)
  • “Integrated Care Pathway for Borderline Personality Disorder”                                       (Rosie Cameron, National ICP Co-ordinator, NHS Quality Improvement Scotland)