29 Feb. 2008

10:00 - 16:00

Venue: Edinburgh


  • “STEPPS programme for emotional intensity”                                                                 (Renee Harvey, Sussex Partnership Trust
  • “Convergences between the trauma and personality disorder fields”                             (Andrew Moskowitz, Senior Clinical Lecturer Department of Mental Health Aberdeen)
  • “The impact of personality disorder for a person in crisis, voluntary sector perspective”   (James Dalrymple, Crisis Service Project Manager SAMH)


  • “Introduction to practical ways of working with someone with Personality Disorder”        (Dr John Gaddes, Consultant Adult Psychotherapist, Elgin)
  • “Integrated Care Pathway for Borderline Personality Disorder – The 1st Steps for         Implementing the National ICP Standards”                                                                       (Rosie Cameron National ICP Co-ordinator NHS Quality Improvement Scotland)
  • “How does Moray BPD Support work? Join us to experience one of our weekly sessions”   (Jo Mullen Co-ordinator of Moray BPD Support/Service User)
  • “Research Workshop”                                                                                                     (Professor Ian Reid Professor Psychiatry University of Aberdeen and Tom Murphy, Consultant   Psychiatrist, Clinical Director)
  • “STEPPS Programme for Emotional Intensity”                                                                (Renee Harvey, Sussex Partnership Trust)

23 May 2008

10:00 - 16:00


  • "Working With Individuals Who Self-harm: The Approach of the Crisis Recovery Unit" (Jane Bunclark, Clinical Nurse Lead Crisis Recovery Unit South London and Maudsley NHS Kent)
  • "Personality Disorder and Ageing"                                                                                        (Dr Sandy McAfee, Consultant Clinical Psychologist Livingston)
  • "Stigma and Mental Ill Health - Where does Personality Disorder Fit In?"                (Johannes Parkkonen, Deputy Campaign Director 'See me' Scotland)


  • “Challenging Perceptions: Borderline Personality Disorder - A way forward”                       (Jo Mullen, Co-ordinator Moray Borderline Personality Disorder Support and Marianne Morritt, Co-Ordinator Highland User Group)
  • "Establishing a network for people involved in developing Local Integrated Care:         Pathways for Borderline Personality Disorder”                                                                       (Rosie Cameron, National ICP Co-ordinator)
  • Introductory workshop on mentalization based treatment”                                           (Malcolm Kay, Adult Psychotherapist, Royal Cornhill Hospital, Aberdeen, John Gaddes, Adult   Psychotherapist and Dr Gray's Hospital, Elgin)
  • "Investigating psychopathic personality disorder in women"                                         (Professor Ian Reid, University of Aberdeen and Mette Kreis, PhD student, Forensic Psychology,   Glasgow University)
  • "The functions and alternatives to Self-harm"                                                                       (Jane Bunclark, Clinical Nurse Leader, Crisis Recovery Unit and Claire Shaw, Senior Clinical   Charge Nurse, Crisis Recovery Unit)

13 June 2008

10:00 - 16:00


  • "Community Perspective"                                                                                                           (Dr Linda Treliving, Chair of SPDN, Consultant Psychiatrist in Psychotherapy, NHS Grampian)
  • "A Forensic Perspective: The Risks of Excluding Offenders with Personality Disorder"     (Dr Lindsay Thomson, Medical Director, The Forensic Network & The State Hospital, Carstairs)
  • "Neurobiology of Personality Disorder"                                                                                   (Ian Reid, Professor and Head of Department of Mental Health, University of Aberdeen, Honorary   Consultant Psychiatrist, NHS Grampian)
  • "What do we know about treatment for antisocial personality disorder?"                   (Professor Kate Davidson, Professor of Clinical Psychology (Hon) NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde)
  • "Understanding Personality Disorder: BPS recommendations"                                           (Dr John D McGinley, Psychology Director State Hospital, Professional Governance Panel BPS)
  • "Scottish Prison Service Perspective"                                                                                     (James Taylor, Mental Health Lead, Mental Health and Suicide Risk Management Co-ordinator)
  • "The role of mental health services in the management of personality disorder offenders in the community"                                                                                                                           (Dr Raj Darjee, Consultant Forensic Psychiatrist and Dr Katharine Russell, Chartered Clinical Psychologist The Orchard Clinic, Royal Edinburgh Hospital)

Venue: Beardmore Hotel Glasgow


  • "PD - a Welsh Perspective"                                                                                                (Jennifer Clarke-Moore, Consultant Nurse - Nurse Adviser for Mental Health and Learning Disability Nursing to the Welsh Assembly Government)
  • "Hope and hesitancy in the treatment of Personality Disorder"                                    (Professor Kate Davidson, Clinical Psychologist, University of Glasgow and Director of Glasgow Institute of Psychosocial Interventions, NHS Glasgow)
  • "SPARRA Mental Disorder - Development of a prediction tool for hospital admissions " (Mike Muirhead, Mental Health Information Programme Manager, Information Services Division, ISD Scotland)


  • "Introductory to CBT for borderline personality disorder"                                          (Professor Kate Davidson, Clinical Psychologist, University of Glasgow and Director of Glasgow Institute of Psychosocial Interventions, NHS Greater Glasgow)
  • "BPD ICP Network"                                                                                                              (Rosie Cameron, National ICP Co-ordinator, NHS Quality Improvement, Scotland)
  • “Introductory workshop on mentalization based treatment”                                        (Malcolm Kay, Adult Psychotherapist, Royal Cornhill Hospital, Aberdeen SueWallace, Adult Psychotherapist, Glasgow)
  • “Introduction to PD Research Workshop”                                                                  (Professor Ian Reid, Head of the Department, Department of Mental Health and Dr Bob Colter, Consultant Clinical Psychologist, Newport, South Wales)
  • “Workshop on service user participation and the role ot the "expert by experience"  (Kathleen Lovell, National Project Development Manager Borderline, UK and Andrew Booker, Service User Consultant, Borderline UK)

04 Sept. 2008

10:00 - 16:00