The Scottish Personality Disorder Network was commissioned by the Mental Health Division of the Scottish Executive in January 2006 for an initial 2 year period. The network is hosted by NHS Grampian and chaired by Dr. Richard Taylor Consultant Psychiatrist in Psychotherapy.

It is well recognised that in the past the diagnosis of personality disorder has had negative connotations. Clinicians, patients and carers alike feared the implications of “untreatable” and the sense of responsibility attributed to this group unlike any other.

In recent years with increasing dialogue between scientists and clinicians a picture is developing of the development of personality difficulties, the neuropsychological implications of the problems and successful psychological and pharmacological treatment interventions.

The work needs to be further expanded with the network linking interested groups across Scotland in the areas of research, education of the workforce and public and the issues of accessing appropriate treatment. The ultimate aim of the network is to benefit those with a diagnosis of Personality Disorder in Scotland.     

Our Mission 

The Scottish Personality Disorder Network provides an opportunity not otherwise available for users, carers and professionals to come together in a positive and cooperative atmosphere to focus on the difficulties for individuals with a diagnosis of personality disorder. The contact allows interested professionals and organisations to support each other in progressing services for a client group that is not always well received. Service users and carers being involved in the Network brings a much welcomed personal touch to the topic that can be lost amongst policy and paperwork.

The SPDN has facilitated and contributed to many important pieces of work across Scotland as outlined below. Over time the focus of the Scottish PD Network is changing, the awareness raising continues but it is producing an appetite for training in evidence based interventions, participation in Scottish based research and development of effective services.

What We've Achieved

  • Meetings at least three times a year in different locations around Scotland.

  • Composed a Network database across Scotland.

  • Established a website. 

  • Addressed four of the key areas identified: education and training, research, treatability and pathways of care, users and carers. 

  • Maintain contact with other relevant Networks. 

  • Made contact with relevant NHS bodies, such as NHS QIS, NES and NIHME.  

  • Fed into relevant work undertaken by the SEHD that relates to personality disorder patients (policy creation).

  • Evaluation of the Network.