Psychotherapy Departments offer assessment, and a range of psychodynamically based psychotherapies, some including a Mentalisation Based Therapy (MBT) approach. Referrals are usually through GP or other mental health services.

People may also be referred to their local Community Mental Health Team (CMHT) for assessment, including consideration for psychological therapy.

The Personality Disorder and Homelessness Team offers assessment, formulation and consultation to a wide range of agencies working in homelessness, as well as a limited therapeutic service for individuals with personality disorder using an MBT approach. Referrals can be made by any agency, including health, housing support, SW and voluntary sector.

Training & Education

Basic Level Knowledge and Awareness Courses: Greater Glasgow & Clyde Clinical Training Group runs "Hot Topic" educational events for all clinical staff, recently including an update and information session on Personality Disorder - further sessions due to be run in 2014. Staff can also request local "site-specific" training on any subject - including Personality Disorder by request. Both of above can be accessed via Staffnet, under Human Resources; Training Calendar; Mental Health Clinical Training Programme.

MBT Skills Training: There are a number of trainers in MBT skills agross GG&C, based in psychotherapy departments. Training for groups of staff in clinical settings can usually be arranged - approach local psychotherapy department.

Homeless Mental Health Staff/ Social Work staff/ Voluntary Sector staff working in Homelessness: Regular training dates throughout the year "Introduction to Personality Disorder" , run by the Personality Disorder and Homelessness Team- can be booked by contacting Billy Morrison - Bespoke training events can also be arranged through the PD and Homelessness team directly - to discuss contact Dr Andrea Williams

Glasgow Institute for Psychosocial Intervention (GIPSI): Glasgow Institute for Psychosocial Intervention Training in Cognitive Behaviour Therapy for Borderline and Antisocial Personality Disorder (CBTpd) can be accessed through GIPSI / Professor Kate Davidson. Workshops of 1 or 2 days are available for clinicians who carry out therapeutic work with this group of people and who have competencies in CBT. Clinical Supervision is also available CBTPd group. Contact Madge Edelsten: , 0141 232 0011; or Professor Kate Davidson:

 Scottish Association for Mental Health: Various one-day training courses are available. Topics include: recovery, Community Care Grants and the Social Fund, DLA, Incapacity Benefit, Mental Health Legislation, SuicideTALK, safeTALK, ASIST. Training is aimed at those working with people with mental health problems but is also available for service users. The training has been evaluated through post-training evaluations. Training may be tailored to meet requirements. Contact: Sandra McDougall, Influence & Change Manager, SAMH, 0141 568 7026,

Users and Carers

Scottish Association for Mental Health: West Regional Office, Cumbrae House, 15 Carlton Court, Glasgow G5 9JP                       Tel: 0141 420 5970